
Jayney Klimek

JayneyOriginally from Melbourne, Australia, Jayney studied Classical singing and Acting at The Melbourne National Theatre and The John Gouchi School of Film and Production before arriving in Berlin with brothers Johnny and Alf to front “ The Other Ones “.
Their albums were successful throughout Europe and America achieving chart hits with Holiday and We Are What We Are.
After the band dismantled she worked on two albums with Tony Banks (Genesis) collaborating with Nik Kershaw and Fish (Marilion).

Enjoying an international reputation as a singer, actor, author, she created and performed with her brother Alf, the show “ Schizophrenia and How To Enjoy It ”.Together they also co-produced wrote and performed the hit children’s production “Laura Star” which has resulted in five album releases.

Further co-writing and performing includes Jayney teaming with the legendary Tangerine Dream, Berlin music project Ocean Club, Paul van Dyk, Alphaville, Anita Lane (produced by Mick Harvey ) Pale 3 and including writing and fronting the album Digital Tenderness for Terranova.

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